Saturday, February 28, 2009

Some good luck for Harry

We didn't get as much rain as was predicted so no lake at the gate.  I had already decided that I was not going to choose THAT battle anyway.  If there was too much water I was going to take him out the 'dry' gate.  It's a little farther to walk and is made of just 2 electric strands of wire but there's no mud for either of us to walk in.

Today, of course, the temp is back to winter...only 15f this morning.  Everything is frozen solid including all the bumpily hoof prints.  Makes for hard walking and has been know to start up abscesses.   

Harry is haltering beautifully now and standing still and quiet to get his halter off.  It seems he's knows he's being 'good' and hangs around looking for a treat.  I'll have to fill my pockets.

The Professor is still having a problem with bobbing his head a lot.  I get the halter half on and he throws his head up high.  It's really kind of a battle and a real struggle.  I'm going to have use the rope over the poll method and some treats on him too.

Not much going on in the past couple of days.  Just more of the winter stuff:  take them out, bring them in.   I'm hoping that the ground will soften some by mid-March so I can start some lunging/ground driving with them.

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