Thursday, March 5, 2009

Well, finally had a fairly warm day here.  It was actually fun to get to the barn and turn off all the electric water buckets.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, dirt bikes ripping and tearing in the distance...perfect.

Harry is getting back in the swing of things.  He's a perfect gentleman for getting his halter on and off.  He does have this 'mouthey' thing going on, though.  He likes to have stuff in his mouth.  He'll grab any part of the halter before I can get it up over his ears, he'll put the lead line in his mouth.  Yesterday I opened the stall door and touched his chest to have him back up and he had the tip of my coat collar in his mouth.  THAT bothered me.  Of course, he spit it out right away so it wasn't an issue.  But, it was too close to my face and happened too fast.

This morning I opened his door a crack (he's right on the other side, nose pressed to the bars) and I swished my fly whisk at him.  That's a wooden handle with horse tail hairs attached to it so it looks and feels like a horse's tail.  It's used for swishing flies off the horses when the farrier is working on them.  In horse language, a swished tail in the face is a warning to back up. 

He jumped back and then came to check  it out.  I didn't swish it again and he was very respectful of my space.  

His mouthiness is just part of his personality.  It's not the same as biting because he has no intention of hurting anyone.  Still, it could be dangerous so I do try to discourage it without becoming nasty about it or nagging him to death about it.  His other mother told me his 2 1/2 year old son is just the same way.  The chewing on the cross ties is part of the same thing.  At just 7, he's just now maturing so he'll probably outgrow it at some point.

I was in the fabric store on Tuesday for a get-to-know-your-new-sewing-machine class.  While I was there I snooped around and found THE MOST GORGEOUS fabric.  There was only a yard and a third left so I bought it, hoping it was enough to make a show vest out of it.  It's a light grass green suede cloth with vines and flowers embroidered on it.  Those are in a rust and pale yellow.  And every so often there's a sequiney type effect.  It's a lovely color with soft hues and a bit of sparkle.  And luck of luck, I can get out the 4 pieces needed to make a sleeveless vest with a diagonal closing and points at the waist.    I'm going to make brown chaps to go with it.

Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer.  Maybe the ground will be thawed enough to get some lunging in.   That should be fun.  The Professor knows he has to obey me and do it.  Harry knows he SHOULD obey me, but he might NOT do it.  I'll let you know.

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